You Are Quotable

You Are Quotable

Spent the entire morning looking for quotes about self-love, poetry about purpose and stories reflecting great accomplishments.  And suddenly I realized...”you are quotable”.  Inspired by the words and knowledge of famous artists and writers, I sometimes forget the poetry of my life.  A life fully owned and created by stories of my experiences, memories and choices.  A remarkable life, just like yours.

Let us not forget the majesty of our lives and the poetry of our essence by becoming constant voyeurs of the lives of others.  Look deep inside to find the treasures of your BEING. Unleash the power of your story.  Make the world shift by the thunder of your gifts.

Claim yourself.  Rejoice in your remarkable beauty.  Savor the unfolding that has become all that YOU are.  Bask in you-ness and embrace it like a lover. You are worthy.  BE “on” YOUR way.

-by Brenda Russell Williams